




16 years difference

From Acquaintances to Best Friends

I had to put my first dog down last week after 14 years of wonderful companionship, RIP Docker

Our beautiful bossy Cassie died suddenly 3 years ago today. We still miss her. Here are the first and last photos I ever took of her.

The first and last night with my pup…Rest in peace

First and last photo of my best friend

Our first and last pictures together. Mortimer, 1991-2010.

His first day with us and his last. 4 Years goes by in a blink of an eye. Goodbye Wally.

On the first day together, and on the last. He was a real homie.

From the first day to the last, we were bestfriends. I'll miss you Mikie

Someone dear to me passed away today. This is my best friend Genevieve, on the first day we met, and the last day.


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