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世界中の女性たちを夢中にさせていると話題のシベリアンハスキー。名前は「アヌコ」。犬とは思えないほど鋭い眼光が特徴的なわんこです。 目があっただけでハートを射抜かれるという噂は本当なのでしょうか?ぜひご覧ください。
When the ice cream man got your back. Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 8月 12 1:05午後 PDT
When the ice cream man got your back.
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 8月 12 1:05午後 PDT
I'm currently going through the process of copyrighting all of Anukos photos on his Instagram so over the next couple weeks you may see some re-uploaded old pictures. This is due to some copyright infringement using Anukos photos. If you are using Anukos photos to make money through any way, it will be best to take down your listings before we find out and legal action will be taken against you. All of the photos on this instagram are copyrighted by @huskyanuko Thanks 😊 Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 9月 25 9:01午前 PDT
I'm currently going through the process of copyrighting all of Anukos photos on his Instagram so over the next couple weeks you may see some re-uploaded old pictures. This is due to some copyright infringement using Anukos photos. If you are using Anukos photos to make money through any way, it will be best to take down your listings before we find out and legal action will be taken against you. All of the photos on this instagram are copyrighted by @huskyanuko Thanks 😊
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 9月 25 9:01午前 PDT
I've just registered Anuko as a blood donor for #petbloodbank and he should be able to give blood pretty soon. His blood could help up to 4 doggies and we're super excited about being able to do this 💉❤️ please consider your pet being a blood donor Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 10月 2 2:04午後 PDT
I've just registered Anuko as a blood donor for #petbloodbank and he should be able to give blood pretty soon. His blood could help up to 4 doggies and we're super excited about being able to do this 💉❤️ please consider your pet being a blood donor
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 10月 2 2:04午後 PDT
Anuko has a present for all his lady followers <3 Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 2月 22 7:43午前 PST
Anuko has a present for all his lady followers <3
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 2月 22 7:43午前 PST
"I don't think so, human. The cat told me what you said about me behind my back." Can you think of a better caption? Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2015 9月 30 9:33午前 PDT
"I don't think so, human. The cat told me what you said about me behind my back." Can you think of a better caption?
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2015 9月 30 9:33午前 PDT
Hello everybody, I'm doing my first spot of fund raising. Getting myself involved in promoting the Husky rescue SHWA, Siberian Husky Welfare Association UK. I was there on Sunday, and I'll be there this Sunday too and Saturday and Sunday next weekend. My mama could only donate £2.50 because she forgot to withdraw money, but she'll be putting £40 in their special pot this weekend. If you'd like to donate follow them on facebook, and if you're anywhere near #waddesdonmanor UK (Bucks, near Aylesbury) please come say hello and support the breed ❤️ Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2014 12月 8 6:43午後 PST
Hello everybody, I'm doing my first spot of fund raising. Getting myself involved in promoting the Husky rescue SHWA, Siberian Husky Welfare Association UK. I was there on Sunday, and I'll be there this Sunday too and Saturday and Sunday next weekend. My mama could only donate £2.50 because she forgot to withdraw money, but she'll be putting £40 in their special pot this weekend. If you'd like to donate follow them on facebook, and if you're anywhere near #waddesdonmanor UK (Bucks, near Aylesbury) please come say hello and support the breed ❤️
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2014 12月 8 6:43午後 PST
Today officially means that it's only two months until my first birthday! Happy 10 months old Anuko ❤️ Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2014 11月 2 2:27午前 PST
Today officially means that it's only two months until my first birthday! Happy 10 months old Anuko ❤️
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2014 11月 2 2:27午前 PST
More adventures from itchy and scratchy. Follow my pawtner @kellyandsheba 🙏 Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2014 10月 25 4:26午前 PDT
More adventures from itchy and scratchy. Follow my pawtner @kellyandsheba 🙏
Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2014 10月 25 4:26午前 PDT
いいね を押して最新情報をいち早く受け取ろう!!